Friday, February 10, 2012

The Digital Generation

If a genie miraculously appeared and told me he/she would grant me three wishes, my first wish would be to be able to eat as much chocolate as I want and be a perfect size 6!
My 2nd wish would be that I would have the ability to transform schools from being replications of industrialized white-middle class schools into places of
21st century centers of learning for all kids. I would get rid of schedules and bells. I would rid this place of the notion that learning only occurs within the 4 walls of a classroom. I would create centers where students create projects and seek out the learning that they need to successfully complete that project. Every child would have a laptop with a scanner and a camera and a printer and a smart phone and the software needed to make computer games, videos, and 3D models. It is a tragedy that we can not give our children the tools they need to engage them in the learning that will need to be successful in the future. Our schools still function the way they did 50 and 60 years ago--what has really changed? Parents often ask me why I don't just change the system--if I envision it, make it happen. Well, I can go into the political reasons, but that is another blog post. The main reason is that people are afraid of change. Parents rely on schools as "babysitters;" what would happen if kids only needed to be on campus 2-3 days a week and the rest of the time, they need to be in libraries, or museums, or doing field research? What options can I give kids for discovery and community learning when we must have class order and schedules? What I can do is teach my teachers how to teach to this generation, but until society expects schools to change, they won't.
However, what would my 3rd wish be? World peace, of course! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! What needs to happen to get to this "wishful thinking"?
