Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is it autumn yet?

I know the students and the teachers all enjoy summer. It is a chance for renewal, relaxation, and rest. As the end of July nears, and the temperatures continue to stay at triple digits, I can't help but wish that autumn would hurry up and arrive. I am tired of the heat, but more importantly I am tired of the quietness of the school. I can spend my summer planning for the return of my teachers, and all of their professional development needs....I can work on renewing the school with fresh paint and new wax on the floors....I can work on district committees preparing curriculum and instruction to prepare our students for the new STAAR test, and I can do countless other things that I am suppose to do in the summer, but....the reason I went into education was to inspire and motivate young adults into becoming more than what they currently think they are capable of being. I wanted to work with students to help them reach their full potential at the same time teaching them that they are all a part of something greater than themselves. So, I miss my students. I miss their laughter, their happy faces, and the hugs, high-fives, and "knuckles." I miss watching their faces light up when they get the right answer, hearing their thought processes, and watching them conduct a science experience. I miss watching them play football, playing in the band, or singing in the choir. I miss them, and I am eager for their return. So, I pose the question---is it autumn yet? I am ready for a school filled with children and some cooler weather! :o)