Thursday, December 20, 2012

Yes, My Dear Ones, there is a Santa!

My 8 year old step daughter told me the other day that her mom informed her that there was "no Santa Clause and that parents put the gifts for children under the tree."  I was sad when she told me this because, she is our youngest child, and I had hoped that she would hang onto the magic of Christmas for a few more years. Although, my step-daughter is correct that her dad and I are the ones who buys and wraps her gifts, she is very much mistaken that there is no Santa.  I was reminded today that Santa will be very much alive in our world this Christmas after two major tragedies in the last 2 weeks. 
Last Friday, I watched the news in shock and horror as the story of Sandy Creek elementary in Newtown, Connecticut unfolded.  Not once in my worst nightmare could I have imagined someone coming in off the streets and killing innocent 6 and 7 year old children. As I stayed glued to the news coverage all weekend, I heard people questioning how something like this could happen. There was so much focus on the horror and the tragedy of the event that we forgot to look at the love and support that our country and the world sent to this small town.
Early this morning, 3 apartment buildings were burned, and 7 of my families, 15 of my feeder elementary school's families, and 17 of my feeder high school's families all lost everything---most of them were still in their pjs when they learned they lost everything.  As the news of this tragedy spread throughout our community, countless numbers of people brought clothing, food, toiletries and money to our campuses for those that lost everything.  My own teachers were coming to the office and taking their own coats off their backs to donate to our families or going home to get blankets and food. Many people donated money so that these families could replace Christmas gifts---they were adament that our children would not wake up Christmas morning without a present.  My students at school were organizing and showing support in any way possible. As I witnessed the generosity of my community, I stopped to remember that although Santa may not be a "real person," his spirit and his magic exist in the giving and generous nature of all people. The spirit of Santa is alive and well as long as goodness and love exist in this world. As long as we continue to believe in Santa, then there will always be one.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and may the holiday spirit fill you with love and hope. I love my wonderful Deerpark community.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the Deerpark faculty and staff, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  School will be closed December 21-January 7th. May your holiday be spent with those you love, and you enjoy all the season has to offer.  Have a wonderful break, and we will see you in January!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Texas Middle School Association's Schools to Watch committee will be here on December 5th.  We are very excited to show off our wonderful campus.  The day they are visiting is an excursion day.  Starting excursions this year has been a challenge, but the student love them.  It is a day filled with creativity and wonder.  I see so much joy on the faces of our students, and they ask me quite often why every day can't be an excursion day.  I hope that this particular day goes well.  Our students are so amazing, and my teachers are truly phenomenal---they deserve this recognition.  :o)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

I hope you all have a "spooktacular" evening and receive nothing but treats!  I can't believe tomorrow is November---where is this year going?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

For the love of learning...

Yesterday, DMS hosted its 2nd excursion day.  An excursion is an enrichment in an activity in which the students want to learn. These activities are fun, and include everything from Flash Mob to Photography!  The kids had a great time, and the teachers enjoyed it, too.  I will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

DMS excursions are tomorrow, and I am so excited for our kids.  I know it will be a great day for enriching our students' learning experience at DMS.  I still haven't heard from The National Middle School Association about our Schools to Watch application, but I am hoping to hear something soon.  I am very sad that one of my faviorite (and the kids' favorite) teachers is leaving us.  Paige Hadziselimovic has accepted a position as an Assistant Principal at Grisham Middle School.  I know Paige will do an outstanding job for GMS, but I am sad to see her leave us--she will be greatly missed. Next week is Red Ribbon week, and I am sure the "spirit madness" will both be entertaining and crazy at the same time.  I wish everyone a Happy Halloween---Happy Haunting!  :o)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yesterday, we hosted Principal for the Day, and our guest principal was Scott Milder, President of Friends of Texas Public Schools. I truly enjoyed getting to know Mr. Milder, and I think I learned as much from him as he did from me.  He did comment on how wonderful DMS is, and he was very impressed with the teaching staff and their love and compassion for kids.  The media and television promotes public education in such a negative light that I think we sometimes forget that schools are really great places for kids.  In Texas last year, more than 92% of our 2011 seniors graduated from high school, and the other 8% are in school for a 5th year this year. Did you know that Texas students significantly  outscored their peers nationally by student group on the 8th grade National Educational Progress (NAEP) science test, with our African-American students ranking 4th nationally, Hispanic students ranking 6th, and our white students ranking 8th?  I am especially proud of this because, only certain schools are selected to participate in the NAEP, and Deerpark has been selected for the past 5 years--so our students are counted in this ranking! As we move from TAKS to STAAR, Texas public schools are being attacked again.  This past year with the new STAAR test, many schools did not meet AYP, and now some communities are blaming the schools.  This is what we we need to tell our communities:  Texas students showed dramatic academic growth during the TAKS era!  Between 2003 and 2011, the exit level math passing rate rose from 44% to 90%, even as standards rose steadily during that period.  The English passing rate increased from 61% to 95%, and the social studies passing rate rose from 78% to 99%. The STAAR test was new to schools last year, and TEA released very little about what they test would look like.  Our students went in"blind" to take a test that is historically more rigorous than any other state assessment.  The STAAR test was created for College-Readiness, and it mimics the SAT and ACT in reading and math. Our teachers are continuously working to improve their quality of instruction so that students are challenged to think critically and problem solve.  I know for a fact that we will see scores from last year increase exponentially over the next few years as teachers raise the bar of instruction for our students.
Educating students now looks differently than it did 5 years ago.  We educate students who are digital natives, and they can multi-task and do 3 or 5 things at once. Educators are constantly challenged to engage this generation in their own unique learning styles.  At no other time in history have students been exposed to a world where change and advancement is happening so rapidly.  At no other time in history have teachers been called on to grow on a daily basis and deepen their understanding of pedagogy to perfect their craft.  So, I say, "Let's hear it for public education!"  We are making miracles happen every day!  :O)  Thank you, Scott for reminding me of that miracle.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week One

We had a great start to the first week.  The students adjusted remarkably well to the new procedures with the building.  I am so proud of our learning community, and I know we are going to have a fabulous year!  Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!  :o)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy Summer

It is quiet on campus. My students left first, then my teachers, then my counselors, and now my APs. My secretary and I are the only ones left. The phone seldom rings, and there are very few emails to answer. I am loving it! I have quiet moments to reflect on this past year--the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have the opportunity to plan for the new year and make DMS a better school for all stakeholders. I love June--it is a time for quiet reflection and big dreams. Of course, come July, I begin to miss everyone, and I long for them to return. By August, I am going stir crazy, and I am counting the minutes until the kids return. However, for right now, I am enjoying the quiet---the peace---the time to reflect. Happy Summer everyone---I hope you have the means to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect. I'll see you all in August!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes....

One of my teachers came to share an experience she had with a group of our students today in a club meeting. The students and the teacher engaged in a conversation about stereotypes and diversity. The teacher shared with me that our students did not see "color" when it came to the faculty and students at Deerpark. They discussed our No Place for Hate attitude, and they explained to the teacher how there are no tables of "color" at lunch---kids from all races and backgrounds sit together and are friends. The teacher asked some of the African American kids if it made a difference to them if their teacher was African American, and our students replied, "No, it only matters if the teacher is good and cares about us!" Our students never cease to amaze me with their wisdom. Deerpark is a special place with great kids---our future looks bright! :o)

Friday, March 23, 2012

May the odds be ever in your favor...

With the release of the highly-anticipated movie, The Hunger Games, based on the book with the same title by Suzanne Collins, we have been celebrating all week at DMS. We hosted our first ever "DMS games" mimicking the reaping, the tribute parade, the elimination rounds(non-violently, of course), and the proclaiming of the district winner! It has been a fantastic week at DMS, filled with a renewed love for reading as students flock to the library to check out this great book. I am so proud of my librarian and staff for creating an event that was both meaningful and entertaining for our students! :o)

Monday, February 13, 2012


Last night I had the opportunity to attend the production of Wicked at the Bass Concert hall with almost 300 Deerpark community members. The show was fantastic, but what really impressed me was the dress and decorum of our students. They all looked beautiful, and they were mesmerized by the show. The students acted as true ladies and gentlemen, and I am so proud of them. We had a fantastic evening. :o)

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Digital Generation

If a genie miraculously appeared and told me he/she would grant me three wishes, my first wish would be to be able to eat as much chocolate as I want and be a perfect size 6!
My 2nd wish would be that I would have the ability to transform schools from being replications of industrialized white-middle class schools into places of
21st century centers of learning for all kids. I would get rid of schedules and bells. I would rid this place of the notion that learning only occurs within the 4 walls of a classroom. I would create centers where students create projects and seek out the learning that they need to successfully complete that project. Every child would have a laptop with a scanner and a camera and a printer and a smart phone and the software needed to make computer games, videos, and 3D models. It is a tragedy that we can not give our children the tools they need to engage them in the learning that will need to be successful in the future. Our schools still function the way they did 50 and 60 years ago--what has really changed? Parents often ask me why I don't just change the system--if I envision it, make it happen. Well, I can go into the political reasons, but that is another blog post. The main reason is that people are afraid of change. Parents rely on schools as "babysitters;" what would happen if kids only needed to be on campus 2-3 days a week and the rest of the time, they need to be in libraries, or museums, or doing field research? What options can I give kids for discovery and community learning when we must have class order and schedules? What I can do is teach my teachers how to teach to this generation, but until society expects schools to change, they won't.
However, what would my 3rd wish be? World peace, of course! :o)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What to write?

I haven't blogged in awhile because I feel that my creative muse has abandoned me. I haven't been inspried to write about anything. The weather is so abnormally warm for January-February, but I find I love the spring-like temps, so I don't want to complain. My students are taking a "mock STAAR test" today for math, but I don't want to get on my soap box about state testing. My staff has hit the February blues, but it is to be expected (much like Shocktober!) So, I guess I will simply report new items. 1) I was accepted into Texas A&M for the fall semester to begin my PhD. I am very excited, and I can not wait to share my learning and implement it at Deerpark. 2) Our band is preparing to auditon for MidWestern---which is a huge celebration if we are selected. 3) Theater and Choir are preparing for the school musical--I have no idea what it is--I really need to ask. :o) Okay, I am being boring, so I am going to publish now and pray that my muse returns soon! Have a great week!