Tuesday, April 16, 2013


  • Yesterday, my secretary came to tell me that 2 bombs exploded in Boston at the Boston marathon--reasons unknown! 
  • It was only a short time ago that a gunman went into an elementary school to shoot and kill innocent children and teachers.
  • Last week, I heard on the news that the Texas legislators were looking at a bill that would pay for teachers to be trained to carry conceal weapons at school.
  • The North Korean leader is sending death and nuclear bomb threats to the United States.
With all the insanity that is happening in our world, it makes me wonder where have all the good people gone? I know we are still here, and I know we are the majority.
  • Yesterday, at the Boston marathon bombing, I saw hundreds of people running to those hurt and rendered aid.  This morning, hundreds of Boston residents were opening their homes and their hearts to tourists who couldn't go back to their hotel rooms.
  • The response by the world to the Sandy Hook shooting was amazing.  This tragedy has inspired debates about gun control and serious consideration for gun control legislation. People all over the world have embraced the small community and offered prayers and support to both the victims and the survivors.
  • The Texas legislature may be considering having teachers carry controlled weapons to school, but I have talked to thousands of teachers that agree it is not the answer to securing our schools and protecting our youth.  Even if the Texas legislators have completely lost their mind, our dedicated and caring educators have not.
  • One leader out of hundreds is threatening violence against the USA---we forget about the hundreds of leaders that value and support our country and will do whatever in their power to help protect this great country.
Evil exists in this world, but as long as good people with good intentions continue to be the majority, then evil can not win. As we have to watch the horrors unfold in the media, let's not forget that there is still goodness, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, and love that will always triumph over evil.