Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Break?

I can not believe that we are already at spring break---where has time gone?  As I look at my blog, I realize that I haven't posted anything since December---it seems like December was just yesterday.  I remember when I was a kid, I thought--"I can't wait to grow up---I can't wait to be on my own---I can't wait to have my own family---I wish time would move faster!"  Now that I am grown, on my own, and have my own family, I am begging time to slow down---it is just moving so quickly.
STAAR testing will be upon us very soon.  EOCs will follow, and then this year will be over!  I hope you have the opportunity to spend some much needed time with your student.  I hope that every minute that you have with them next week moves at a snail's pace.  One day soon, they will be gone--on their own, with their own family.  Treasure every moment--time goes by too quickly.
Enjoy your spring break!